Incredible Wash N Go Results (Lazy Wash N Go) - Type 4 Hair
I am trying to get caught up on posting these but time is not on my side at the moment! Maybe if I could stop launching new products, for 2 whole seconds, that would help. 🙃 This one is from when I washed my hair a week ago. I hope you enjoy my hair styling and shenanigans! See you next time!
Today's Lip Color:
Golden Brown:
You said you wanted 3 or more? 😉
Bundle and Save my friend:
Products Used:
Whipped Shampoo:
Twilight Tempest Deep Conditioning Hair Mask: https://www.soapwitchcrafts.com/colle...
Moisturizing Spray:
Curly Concoction Styling Cream: https://www.soapwitchcrafts.com/colle...
Magical Mayhem Sea Moss Hair Gel: https://www.soapwitchcrafts.com/colle...
Or Bundle and Save with The Soap Witch's (Lazy) Wash 'N Go Bundle and take 30% off all products included!
*About Soap With Crafts:
I, Lauren (The Soap Witch), am the singular owner, operator of Soap Witch Crafts. I have always had a strong love for taking care of my hair and skin. My creative genius (as I like to call it) came about as I was trying to navigate my way through the stages of grief.
I thoroughly enjoy formulating and testing products, or ideas for products. Know that I am beyond picky when it comes to the quality of the products I'm willing to place on my website. If I don't feel pride in the creation and efficacy of the product, it ain't making it! I even obsessed over the packaging, the labels, the shipping boxes and the tape! I only want to offer the absolute best!
Soap Witch Crafts is me sharing a part of myself unapologetically, in all of my authenticity and it’s been incredibly liberating! I invite you to come along and share in my journey. I hope you enjoy the ride! I know I am!
Website: https://www.soapwitchcrafts.com/
Youtube: @soapwitchcrafts
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soapwitchcrafts
Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/soapwitchcrafts
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@soapwitchcrafts